Liz — Thanks for your comment.
You say that nothing in nature experiences constant growth without being a problem. I’m not sure I agree that this is fundamentally the case. In fact, it seems to be the nature of the Earth over the last few billion years that life itself is constantly growing, diversifying, complexifying, etc.
But, I do agree that certain types of growth can be catastrophic (ie — cancer). I guess the question is whether human growth is a form of cancer or are we a flu with temporary side effects. For example, if we exhaust non-renewable resources and can’t find a new replacement resource. If we destroy the environment we live in permanently. Etc.
I personally don’t believe that capitalism is the be-all, end-all solution. I think other better forms of it are possible and that completely new non-capitalism system can and will evolve in the future. And, I actually did listen to several long podcasts and a book on this topic. For example, I really enjoyed this podcast episode —
Sometimes the words communism and capitalism are placeholders for a lot of different ideas. When you say Communism, what does that mean to you?